Spool is available for iPad and iPhone

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The spool team will never cease to amaze people with their inventions. When they brought the ‘save for later’ technology, critics argued that it will never work. After a successful run with it on the android platform, the same critics were up and about claiming that it will never work on iOS devices. Meanwhile, the spool team has been busy trying to crack its entry into the iOS platform.

We’ve very glad to announce that both the iPhone and iPad versions of Spool are now available. Go to the iTunes store and get Spool now!

Finally, there has been a breakthrough. As an iPhone or an iPad user, you will now be able to access the services offered by spool. This has been welcomed by many of the iOS users. The critics who thought that spool’s technical team will never get into iOS platform are now left to wonder how it was done.

There are amazing services that iPhone and iPad users will enjoy. Some of the services to be enjoyed include; saving articles, images, and videos for later use. This implies that an iPhone or iPad user will now be able to save money that would have been used to download or upload images and videos online.

Using spool services will allow these users to save their work in their phones. The articles, images or videos will be cached into the iPhone or iPad system so that a user gets an opportunity to use their work in an offline mode. When you get your saved work in offline mode, you will not have to pay for internet connection again. This is beneficial to those who want to save internet money.

Those who benefit from people having to pay for internet connection twice for the same piece of work will now have to reconsider their strategies.

The news of availability of spool for iPhone and iPad users was received well with a good number of these users determined to join the over half a million users of spool services who are already in existence.

Therefore, we urge those iPhone and iPad users who are yet to subscribe to our services to do so because time is fast running and the earlier you signup the better for you.


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