The long awaited arrival of the Apple Watch

Once every few years, a piece of technology comes along that completely transforms the way that we live our lives. The Super Nintendo changed the world of video gaming in the early 1990s, and the iPod forever altered the way that we consume music in 2001.

And Apple is looking to repeat the success of the iPhone and iPad with the arrival of its long-awaited entry into the blossoming wearable market with the Apple Watch.

The basics

wearable gadget

It was recently announced that the Apple Watch will be released on 24 April, with preorders available from 10 April. The device looks to be released in a variety of different models, but the basic version will retail at £299, and will not only be able to tell you the time, but also give you the ability to make calls, use mapping data, and also keep you updated with a variety of notification systems.

Other features include an eighteen hour battery life, as well as an astonishingly accurate time keeping system that promises to stay within 50 milliseconds of coordinated universal time. And if you want to make sure that your watch is unique, then there are a variety of different bands and buckles available to ensure that you stay stylish as well as on time.


Since the arrival of the iconic iPhone, our devices have become indispensable thanks to the range of apps on offer. And the Apple Watch looks to build on this with apps like Uber that allow you to hail a taxi to your wrist, as well as Watch-based apps from Nike, The Guardian and Instagram all looking to be the first in line to enjoy exposure via this exciting new device.

Interestingly, the world of online gaming also looks to benefit from the Apple Watch. Casino games such as Uptown Aces could benefit from the new technology by allowing video slots to be played on the wrist, and deposits and withdrawals could be made with just a simple tap on the watch surface.

Health benefits

apple watch health and fitness

And a key factor of wearables such as the Apple Watch will be the health benefits that they provide. In fact, there is a special Sports model of the Apple Watch that will feature a custom heart sensor that will measure the intensity of a workout. And an inbuilt accelerometer will also be able to provide handy data on your performance all from a convenient location on your wrist.

How to Buy Bitcoins with Cash?

There are multiple ways that you can make your very first investment in Bitcoin. Buying BTC with cash is one easy method of investing in Bitcoin safely. If you sign up for online exchanges, you can also buy Bitcoin with your debit card with very little stress.

In some cases, paying with cash can be more convenient than buying over the internet. More and more businesses and individuals are opening up to accepting Bitcoin as a legitimate payment method around the world. Often termed as digital gold, BTC continues to wow the global economy with its soaring value. If you want to know how to use cash to buy Bitcoin, read on

Here are a few ways to buy Bitcoins with cash easily

  1. NakitCoins

NakitCoins is a fast-growing crypto cashpoint broker based in Turkey that allows you to buy Bitcoin with cash, cards, or Neosurf cash vouchers. Here is how to buy Bitcoins with cash in Turkey. Simply visit the broker’s agencies in Turkey, make your payment, and receive Bitcoins in your wallet.

  1. Bitcoin ATM (BATM)

How to get Bitcoin with cash using Bitcoin ATM

Bitcoin ATMs (BATMs) were introduced to allow people to buy Bitcoin in-person securely. These devices accept cash payment to send BTC to your specified wallet address. Bitcoin ATMs are an easy way to trade crypto 24/7. The last few years have seen more Bitcoin ATMs enter the cryptocurrency industry.

While BATMs are becoming more and more popular by the day, you may still find it difficult to locate one. The simplest technique to discover the nearest BATM is to use CoinATMRadar services or CoinFlip (for U.S. customers).

Visiting these sites will allow you to learn more about the exact location of the nearest Bitcoin ATM, the fees charged, any identity verification requirements, and other essential information.

Coin ATM Radar will also provide you the contact details of the BATM operator. Just remember to keep your wallet address handy when visiting a BATM to buy Bitcoin with cash. While these machines are often installed in public places, you may want to watch out for suspicious people who may try to rob you.

  1. Cash Deposit at the Bank

World-acclaimed peer-to-peer Bitcoin exchanges such as Paxful and LocalBitcoins guarantee users a vast range of payment options including by cash deposit at a bank. All you have to do is to create your user account, get verified, and connect with interested sellers who accept cash deposits as a means of payment.

Here is where to buy Bitcoin in the USA with cash:

In the United States, Liberty X and BitQuick make it possible for people to buy Bitcoin via a bank deposit. Wall of Coins also offers similar services to customers in the UK, USA, Australia, Germany, and Canada among other regions.

How do I buy Bitcoin with a cash deposit?

You can ask the seller to provide their bank account details. Visit the relevant banking institution to complete the deposit via a teller. Bank deposit is a secure payment method because both parties can maintain their privacy. However, one major downside to this method is that bank deposits are slower than in-person purchases.

Like face-to-face Bitcoin trades, you should exercise extra care not to lose your money to scammers. Always use an escrow service to ensure that you receive the correct number of bitcoins after making the deposit. Keep your receipt and use that as your proof of payment if a dispute arises.

How to Stop the Internet From Putting a Hole in Your Wallet

How much money do you spend on entertainment every month?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average household spends over $2000 a month on entertainment. If the average household has 4 people in it, that means each of them spend over $500 a month.

You can stretch your entertainment budget much further if you’re willing to tweak a few of your habits and behaviors. It doesn’t require anything rash, just a bit of rearrangement.

Start With Internet Access

Internet access is the core of every household. We need it for work and school. We use it to pay our bills and keep in contact with our loved ones and acquaintances. We can book appointments or go shopping online. Even our electronics need the internet to remain up to date.

Most of our entertainment is bundled up in the internet. Gamers use it to play online. People use it to stream music, movies, run apps and catch up on their favorite television shows. And major cable channels, like HBO, are offering internet-only subscription services.

It’s unsurprising, then, that you’re probably spending well over a hundred dollars a month on the internet. But how is your internet service?

You can save money on your bill by finding an internet provider that gives you fast internet for a good price. In most areas there are usually two or three major providers. In order to compete with each other, they will offer coupons and deals to new customers. Comparison pricing is a great way to save money on your entertainment budget.

The Right Way to Comparison Shop

Normally you would go with whoever offers you the cheapest price, but we’re not recommending that strategy for your internet service. Instead, you need to go with whoever has the best price for the fastest connection.

Figure out what your family’s habits are first. Do you have gamers in the house? Do you use Netflix or Hulu? Do you frequently use social media? The answers to these questions will tell you how fast you need your internet to be.

Gamers and people who stream need faster internet than people who simply use their computers to pay bills or browse social media. This is especially true for people who play games online like World of Warcraft. It’s graphics heavy and requires a great connection. If the internet fails a lot of progress can be lost.

After you figure that out, you can start searching for internet providers who have the connection speed you’re looking for. Expect to pay a little bit more for faster internet. But don’t freak out. Compare that price to the performance: what you’re experiencing now versus what you will experience. You’ll find that it’s worth a few dollars more.

Once you find some good candidates, you can begin looking for coupons and deals for new customers. There are several Verizon FiOS promos being offered as well as promos for other ISPs. Pick at least two so that you can compare them side by side with your current provider.

What to Do Before You Make Your Move

Here are a few questions you should get answered before you decide to pick a different internet service provider:

  • Is my connection private, or will I be sharing it with other people? Most people don’t know this, but they can tell you you’re getting one speed, but it will slow down significantly if you’re sharing it with other households. This causes your connection to crash and makes it impossible to stream or update anything.
  • Do you have certain websites automatically blocked? Some ISPs will block websites that you may visit frequently. Find out if you can still visit these sites before you sign up with them.
  • How long do I have before I can cancel your service without being charged? There should be a period of time where you can try out the service, like 15 or 30 days. If you don’t like the provider you can return their equipment without being charged.
  • How long is the price being offered good for? If you use a coupon code or get a bundle, you may be locked into a contract. Find out how long the price quoted is good for, and how much you’ll have to pay after that period ends.

You can get the answers to these questions either through the provider’s website, or by talking to a customer service agent.

Don’t make a hasty decision. Talk things over with your household before switching ISPs. And don’t sign up for deals without knowing what you’re getting into. The purpose of getting better internet is to enjoy it. You won’t do that if you’re in a contract with a company that you hate.

4 Facts You Never Knew About VPNs

VPNs are perhaps the most misunderstood technology on Earth today. This is largely the fault of VPN providers and the army of shills in their employ who champion them as the one button solution to online privacy and security. This is a massive oversimplification.

That’s not to say there are no benefits to using a VPN, but understanding “the why” requires a little nuance. So let’s talk about what a VPN actually does, how they can and can’t protect you online and four facts we bet you didn’t know about VPN.

  1. The Internet is Already Encrypted and in 70% – 85% Cases VPN Encryption is Redundant

A couple decades ago the internet was a different, more trusting place. All communication was sent as HTTP. Your passwords, along with all the other information you sent traveled over the public internet as clear text. Anyone who intercepted your traffic could read everything you sent and received. As the world’s technological literacy increased and software that could say listen to everything on a public WiFi network became available for anyone to download the internet adopted an encrypted version of HTTP, called HTTPS. This new protocol, exchanged a key pair with the site you’re visiting through a chain of trusted intermediaries called Certificate Authorities, and it works a treat.

When VPN providers talk about military grade encryption, it’s mainly just marketing because HTTPS encryption is likely better than what the provider is using.

Here’s the caveat; while recent studies have found that around 80% of websites use HTTPS, that’s not every website. Far from it. Just the other day, I was on the Turkish Embassy’s website trying to apply for a visa, and it didn’t use HTTP. The site expected passport photos, bank statements, and easily enough details to steal an identity, and it didn’t use HTTPS.

Streaming sites are another great example. They rarely use HTTPS. On these websites a VPN is useful, especially if you’re sharing your WiFi with housemates, or there is a shared network for your building.

  1. Your ISP Can Tell You’re Using A VPN 

Your ISP can’t tell what sites you are visiting, or anything else you are doing online. All they know is that they are routing traffic to a remote server, however they can likely tell that the server is a VPN. There are lists of known IP addresses that belong to VPN providers, the handshake process differs between HTTPS traffic and VPN providers, the packet is likely a different size, a lot of data goes to a single IP address, and there are other more technical ways to determine you’re using a VPN which we won’t get into.

In short, yes your ISP could work out you’re using a VPN, but it’s unlikely they’d care enough to check. And if they did, there’s nothing they could find out. In Belarus, China, Iraq, North Korea, Oman, Russia, and the U.A.E, VPNs are either illegal or banned selectively, but if you’re from one of these countries you wouldn’t be reading this article, so there’s nothing to worry about.

  1. The Main Reason People Use VPNs is to Watch Geo Blocked Content 

You likely already knew this but the main reason people use VPNs is to watch geo blocked content. Geo-blocked means that it’s not available in all regions. US Netflix has hundreds of titles that aren’t available in other countries. Then there’s entire services like Amazon Prime, Hulu, HBO, SkySports, and more that aren’t available indiscriminately around the world.

Why? Archaic broadcasting laws left over from the era of the living room televisions lag behind our fiber optic powered entertainment on demand reality. You can keep waiting for laws to catch up, or you can get a VPN and upgrade your internet connection with the click of a button. You can even get a VPN on your phone these days, for example surfshark for ios.

  1. VPNs can stop Your ISP Throttling Your Internet Connection

This isn’t much of a problem in the developed world, but in emerging markets without laws that  protect consumers, ISPs limit heavy users.

This practice is rampant in Asia and Africa. It’s well documented that ISPs monitor torrent traffic and slow it down. Their motivations for doing so are clear. The more people they can provide an internet connection to at the lowest cost point, the more money they make. Your ISP is a business first and foremost.

Your internet connection is shared. It might not be shared in your house, but outside your house there’s a splitter that connects the cable which runs to your house to all the other cables that service your street.

A few kilometers down the road there’s another box where all the internet traffic for the neighborhood/suburb/city is aggregated. Large parts of the internet is stored on servers overseas so eventually the internet traffic for your entire country travels under the ocean to data centers to retrieve international sites, and participate in steam lobbies. Your ISP pays for every kb of data that goes on this undersea cable through IP transit agreements. So you see how it’s in your ISPs best interest to slow down heavy users.

In Summary

VPNs aren’t the push button solution to internet privacy and security that many believe them to be. What they are is the easiest way to view geo-blocked content and avoid ISP throttling. It’s true that they hide your IP address from sites that you are visiting, and hide the sites that you are visiting from your ISP, but beyond that take all claims VPN providers make with a grain of salt.

How to fix Msvcr80.dll is missing Error

Msvcr80.dll file is one that is associated with a program known as Microsoft visual studio 2005 and iTunes. I might possible that if this file is missing then the MS Visual Basic and iTunes related program will not work so also for any other application that is authorized by this program.

The error is one that can appear in several ways on your system such as: “msvcr80.dll not found”; “This application failed to start because msvcr80.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem; “”APSDaemon.exe – System Error – msvcr80.dll is missing from your computer”; it could even be “Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component of Bootmgr is missing: msvcr80.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again”; “The file msvcr80.dll is missing”; “cannot find [PATH]/msvcr80.dll”

msvcr80 dll is missing problem

Possible situation when you face dll error

The error message could appear while windows is starting up or shutting down, during installation of certain programs or even during windows installation which is why it is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of the way this error works so that it will be easy to fix it. Before examining how to fix this error, there is a need to understand what causes this error and the reason why they appear on systems. Some of these reasons could be: removal of the msvcr80.dll files as a result of corruption of the file; sometimes this error might mean there is a registry problem on the computer system or maybe a malware issue like virus or even a hardware failure.

How to resolve Msvcr80 dll is missing from your computer error?

In fixing the error, take note not to download the file from the .dll download site as these sites are only out to be able to generate traffic for their sites and as such they usually do not have updated versions of the file. The file you download only serves as a “quick fix” while it actually masks the real problem. It is recommended to go to the source and download the original file from the developer of the program itself as this will guarantee adequate solution to the problem.

So in fixing this dns error, do the following: ensure that windows is started in safe mode if it happens that windows is inaccessible in normal mode; restart the computer system itself, then download the Microsoft visual C++ service pack with security update on it and then run it on the system, what this does is to replace the earlier present msvcr80.dll file with the latest version from Microsoft and be sure to check the option you are downloading because it varies with system either 32-bit or 64-bit and installing this update usually tends to be the solution but for exceptional cases, the following steps can be further taken:

  1. Restore the file from the recycle bin of your system or if the recycle bin has been emptied, then you can use a free file recovery program to get it back.
  2. Run a malware scan of the system to determine if there is damage to the file by a hostile file or it could even be that hostile file posing as the error file.
  3. Install any available windows updates as a lot of service packs tend to contain updates of Microsoft developed files and some might contain the updated file of the msvcr80.dll file.

All these should provide solution to the problem of msvcr80 dll file missing. In case of any question or query, you can contact us by commenting here. Please be specific with your problem, so that we can help you easily.

Download Whatsapp for Bada and Java OS for FREE

Earlier we posted FREE tips for downloading Whatsapp on blackberry and now it’s time to install messenger application for Java and Bada OS.

Whatsapp is a widely used messaging application in the world today having over six hundred million users and available on quite a large number of mobile platforms and of all the mobile messaging apps. It is the most rated app that allows people to send texts, videos and files through the internet without paying any additional cost to your network provider.

Furthermore, WhatsApp can even be used on a personal computer. You can download it for your PC. it has voice messaging whereby you can just record short length audio messages and send it to your friends; also there are no ads on the messenger app and the privacy option is taken very seriously, so you are well protected.

whatsapp messenger for bada os

The whatsapp user base seems to be growing with each passing day as a result of the operating systems like Android, windows, blackberry and iOS. But then there are other operating systems such as Bada OS which was developed by Samsung Company while there is also the Java OS present in quite a number of low end smartphones on which whatsapp cannot work directly and as such needs a circumvented process of installation in order to run as an app on these kinds of phones. Some Java or Bada OS whatsapp supported phones include Samsung mobile devices running on Bada OS like chat, chat duos, wave, wave 2; Nokia mobile devices running on Java OS like C2-03, C2-00 as well as Java supported LG phones. If you are blackberry messenger app and want it’s apk for android os or want bbm for pc then you should check our previous post.

How to Download and Install Whatsapp for Bada OS and Java?

We have tested and compiled the steps that you can easily follow to have famous messaging application on your  Java enabled Smartphone.

  • First process is to get a PC and download the Whatsapp.jar or Whatsapp.jad file for java phones while for Bada OS phones, download whatsappBada.jar or Whatsapp APK on the PC.
  • After this is done, the next process is to connect your Java or Bada OS running mobile phone to the PC on which the files have been downloaded either through the use of a USB cable or Bluetooth.
  • Next is to send the .jar or .jad file to your mobile phone using windows explorer depending on the configuration of the phone. Then disconnect the phone from the PC.
  • After unplugging the mobile phone from the PC, you go through the file manager to discover where the Java or Bada file was stored after which you then click on it to start installation.

PS Note: Installation might take few minutes so just wait for it to finish the installation and then you can start using it, start enjoying free conversations with friends and family and keep in touch with them constantly at little or no cost while also sharing videos of memorable moments with them.

See : Top rated VBA Password Recovery tool

However, it might happen during installation to experience some glitch such that the app fails to install and should you be faced with this kind of problem, ensure to do the following:

  • Ensure that there is good network connection in the area you are located.
  • Ensure that there is enough memory for installation of the app.
  • If after installation it does not work, then switch off the phone and switch it back on. It should definitely work after all of these.

Congratulation! You have successfully get Whatsapp messenger for FREE on Bada and Java os phone. Now you will see your friends list and you can chat with them without any problem. In case of any question or queries you can contact us by commenting here.

How To Get Minecraft Premium Account for Free [List]

Minecraft is a video game that was created by Swedish programmer Markus Perssor, and later developed by Swedish company Mojang from 2009.

You can build constructions out of textured cubes, in a 3D world.  Other activities include exploration, gathering resources, crafting and combat. There are a number of gameplay modes available, which include survival mode, creative mode, and adventure mode.

minecraft free premium account

In survival mode, you need to acquire resources to build the world, and maintain health. In creative mode, you have unlimited resources to build, and the ability to fly. In adventure mode, you play custom maps that other players have created.

Minecraft has sold nearly 60 million copies, making it one of the best selling video games of all time.  And they have received multiple awards (5 in 2011 alone).  So they are one of the most popular video games.

Best way to get Free Premium Account of Minecraft for PC and Android

So, you want to play, and you want to trial it, before you purchase?  I assume that, because you’re reading this, you are interested.

These days, playing with a Pro account is very important for a Minecraft gamer in android, windows/mac PC and iOS, as this can really maximize your gaming experience.  And don’t be put off by the old school graphics either.  The game is very addictive, fun to play, and you can build unique and customized maps.

Well, there are a number of ways that you can get a membership for FREE, and have a play around, before making any decisions on whether you like it or not.

The best way, that I can suggest, is to go to their official website website. They offer Free Trial and coupon codes to all new members.  Please be noted that you must be new member in order be beneficial for that offer. You will get it for few weeks and then again you can follow the steps to get it again.

On this website, it is easy to get a minecraft account.  You will get your account instantly through the website, in txt format.  All you need to do is simply copy and paste the account that has been generated, in to the login.  They even show you how to do it in a video on the page.

The biggest question that gets asked of this is, is it safe?

It is definitely safe.  They run proxy servers, which means that you stay completely anonymous when generating your free account.

Can I use Generator?

Another method that I found is this one: Head up and use our generator tool. You don’t need to download any account generator, as all the Minecraft lists are stored on their website database.

This website can add up to 100 (or even more) premium Minecraft accounts for FREE every single day.

So, how do they do this?

Well, for them, it is quite simple. Because Minecraft is so popular, it means that they are able to generate a lot of traffic through their site.  And because they generate a lot of traffic, people are willing to advertise on their site.

The money that they make from the advertisements is put in to purchasing more premium membership, which they then give away to their followers.

They will send the account details in a txt file as well, which means that you can simply use the details that they send to you, and login in, as per normal.

All you need to do is to become a member of the site.  Simple and sweet really.  On their website you can enter your username wait for their online tool to process for you. At the end you will get your account So, having read this, I trust that you have found a way that you will enjoy, and you will start playing it with me soon.

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