Sign up for TechCrunch Disrupt Betas

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Spool is one of the leading technological companies that is dedicated to improve the lives of people in different ways. There are various ways in which spool helps people that will be discussed below. But before that, we would like to announce that anyone who signed up during the TechCrunch Disrupt (TCD) was invited to Spool. This was done through a private invite by the Spool team. If you signed up and you have not received you invite, kindly contact the Spool team for us to be able to send you an invite so that you can start enjoying the services offered by Spool.

The kinds of services offered by Spool are very unique. We call on many users to sign up with Spool to start enjoying the services that are being enjoyed by over a half million users daily. We make your lives easier by creating a platform in which you can share with your friends and relatives all over the world without having any difficulties. We understand that mobile is nowadays used as the primary source of internet connection. To this effect, we have made mobile applications that will help you in your browsing. You do not have to use mobile only, for we have browser applications that can be useful to our users as well. It is all in an effort to make things easier for people in the world. Before purchasing any mobile phone, we advise you to sign up with us and visit our blog to check full review of the phone and evaluate its validity in the current technological world.

If you have been having problems with saving your work on your mobile, then Spool is the best solution for your problem. We work to enable you save important things such as articles, images, social posts and much other useful information that you do not want to lose.

We have enough resources to make internet work easy for our new users. If you have any query regarding our services, we kindly ask you to engage us so that we can answer all of your questions appropriately. Our technical team will be happy to satisfy your needs. Therefore send as an email if you have not received a formal invitation to Spool.

We’ve invited everyone who signed up during TechCrunch Disrupt to Spool. If you have not received your invite, please email us at

Please feel free to contact us for your any kind of question and queries.

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