How To Prevent Big Data From Breachers

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Big data security breaches are no longer the fictitious thoughts of the ester years. Hackers whether solitary or organized continue to wreak havoc with complex spear phishing or drive-by attacks on institutions with big sets of data to secure. That artificial intelligence and machine learning can now be used to further complicate attacks. This makes it inevitable for enterprises with big data to take systems security even more seriously.

To avoid the enormous cost rising out of a data breach and the reputation loss that an institution has to deal with, it becomes paramount to look for ways of preventing big data from honed breaches. Compounding the scenario is the fact that many firms offering security solutions are relying on the same algorithms that hackers use to perpetrate an attack. But what to do?

Establish a security-focused attitude

Companies with big data sets under their care need to know that breachers are always looking for better ways to gain access. As such, it’s important that you have the right people onboard. The superb data security policies you want to invest in will be in vain, if the personnel is unwilling to stick to them. Before you invest mysql backup protocols and practices, make sure that your staffs are dedicated to data and information safety.

big data breaches solution

Limit access to critical data

The big data sets that a company is entrusted with are the most critical assets. When everyone on board acknowledges the cost of a data breach, it becomes unanimous that limits and restrictions need to be in place. Not every staffer has to have access to your most valuable data. By whittling down the number of employees who can accidentally open a harmful link, you consolidate your data the more.

Reduce data storage locations

Big data chunks spread across different locations open up the possibility of exposure. The more managed data centres you have, the higher the chances that information will slip into the wrong hands. A robust system will have less data storage locations and devices. If your data is stored in a centralized cloud based location with water tight restrictions, encryption and strict access control, you can breathe knowing breachers won’t be getting to your prised data soon. Remember, it’s important to keep monitoring since hackers keep inventing ways of getting through.

Verify third-party vendor compliance

If your enterprise deals with several third-party vendors, it’s crucial to question their allegiance to data security. A simple case of unlawful entry or unauthorized data access can lead to a big breach. If a vendor has access to your crucial data, you need to demand their compliance to privacy laws and privileges.

Employee security awareness training

In many firms, employees are the weakest links in the data security context. Unaware, an employee can click on a suspicious links or email. The results can be devastating. Don’t put your staff through one cyber security class and think it’s enough. It should be a continuous exercise, if you expect to counter the ever witty alternatives that hackers are using.

Involve white hat hackers

Ethical hackers can provide an enterprise with the immunity that a company needs. White hat hackers have the knowledge to test systems using penetration tests. This helps a firm to point out vulnerabilities that breachers can exploit. Additionally, you can resort to security tightening measures such as configuring the mainframes for optimum security and use.

Intrusion, detection and prevention applications

One combination that big data endowed firms can employ is the intrusion, detection and prevention strategy. Your organization will be able to monitor system activity, configuration and still assess the integrity of mission critical systems. Remember, it’s wise to perform proactive vulnerability assessments in real-time.

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