resetting password of windows 7

How to reset password in windows 7

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Many of us struggle to find the password resetting procedure in Windows 7. In our last post we show few easy to execute steps to recover deleted files in PC and now we are giving more tutorial on Microsoft windows operating system.

resetting password of windows 7

It is important to note that resetting password in Windows 7 is not that much of simple process like you do for gmail and other traditional online services. You need to follow pattern of steps in order to perform that action.

How to Change and Reset password in Windows 7?

If you by mistake lost or forgot your password and want to change that then you have to follow the steps given here. You first require Windows repair and driver disk and make sure that computer is not connected with network, otherwise you may not able to perfect these steps accurately.

  1. Insert either Windows 7 system Repair disc or Windows 7 installation DVD, into the optical drive and then reboot the computer. If you choose to do this in a flash drive then you can also go for it.
  2. After the above process, click the Next option on the screen with the help of your keyboard. If you see the Windows 7 logon screen then you have to change the setting and need to boot the computer from the disc that you have inserted.
  3. Click on the “Repair your computer” link. If you use system repair disc then this option will not be visible to you. If you choose otherwise then you can access the link or else got to step 4.
  4. Wait until the Windows 7 installation is located in the computer.
  5. Once it is found take note of drive letter which you will find in the Location column. Mainly it will show D:, but your computer may show otherwise.
  6. Select the Windows 7 option from the list of operating system and click “Next”  button.
  7. Then choose Command Prompt from the System Recovery Option.
  8. After the Command Prompt opens you need to type in the following commands.
    1. copy d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe d:\
    2. copy d:\windows\system32\cmd.exe d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe. If your Windows 7 is not installed in the D drive then make sure to replace the above positions of Ds with the driver name of your computer where your Windows 7 is installed.
  9. Remove the flash drive or the disc from the computer and reboot it.
  10. As soon as Windows 7 login screen appears, select the icon on bottom-left of the windows logon scree which looks like pie.
  11. As soon the Command Prompt is opened, execute net user command “replacingmyusername” with your user name and “mypassword” with the new password that you want to use. For example: net user Sam 1234
  12. Create Windows 7 Password Disk. It is a proactive step that you need to take if in case you forget your password. It is Microsoft-Approved.

If you want to reverse the step then you need to follow the steps from 1 to 7. After accessing the Command Prompt then you need to enter the following command.

copy d:\utilman.exe d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

Confirm that overwrite is complete and then restart your computer. Undoing the hacking procedure will not affect the new password.

Related :

Whatever you have set your password will be valid, so make sure to enter memorable but still complex pattern, so that nobody can cracked that.

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